Hostel Automation

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No matter what is the size of your hostel, automation will never hurt. Manual booking management is always a time-consuming task. Besides, it means you face the risk of double-booking and other human errors. How to boost the efficiency of hostel management? You don’t need to search for super-talented employees – MaxiBooking offers advanced solutions for hostels that can save you thousands of working hours.

What is a hostel program?

This is a software that performs some particular functions, be that booking automation, reservation management, etc. Until recently, hostel owners had to use several programs for managing different aspects of hostel control. However, thanks to advanced management systems, they can unite all functions in a single solution:

Interactive calendar grid
Booking channels automation
Payments and invoicing
Bookings management
MaxiBooking offers a comprehensive program for hostels that allows property owners to manage operational tasks like booking channel management efficiently and that can be applied for hostels of any type and capacity.

What does automation in a hostel give?

Why does your hostel need an automation solution? The benefits of software boil down to higher efficiency that is reached thanks to:

Why does your hostel need an automation solution? The benefits of software boil down to higher efficiency that is reached thanks to:

  • Automatic booking via all available channels. Hostel employees don’t need to work with reservations manually: they are registered instantly after guests do their requests. That excludes the risk of double booking and makes the process of reservation easier for both sides.
  • Software provides real-time reporting for hostel owners to make data-driven decisions, control their pricing rates accordingly, and boost the efficiency of business management.
  • Many hostel software feature an interactive grid that displays reservation details (customers, their contacts, payment status, etc) – that makes up for fast and simple access to data.
  • Hostel automation software is available 24/7, which means you can let the program perform daily routine tasks round the clock.
  • Thanks to such programs, you can let your employees focus on what really matters. Hostel automation software will perform numerous tasks while you enjoy higher efficiency and growing revenue.

All in all, automation means forgetting about manual tasks – when used it can save you thousands of dollars and thousands of labor hours. All necessary information is present in a single platform which eliminates the need for multiple other programs.

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About MaxiBooking hostel Management System

MaxiBooking is more than just automation platform – it provides numerous interesting features and advantages making it a competitive solution for hoteliers of any size property.

What does MaxiBooking offer for hostel owners?

  • Channel manager that allows integrating with leading booking platforms (, Airbnb, and many others);
  • Sales management tools;
  • Cloud-based Property Management Software;
  • Bookings database;
  • Customizable personal website template;
  • Interactive calendar grid;
  • Tools for task management.

When you implement MaxiBooking solution in your hostel infrastructure, you can enjoy a significant improvement in business management efficiency. The software helps with booking management, simplifies tasks for employees and saves a lot of time.

No matter how many guests and beds your hostel accommodates, with automation software you will streamline bookings and boost your team’s efficiency by a mile.